
What is jigging?

Jigging is a method of modifying your billing/shipping info to appear different to bot protection. If you cop multiple items with the same info you can get banned or canceled. If you need help ask support by making a ticket in #1-on-1-support.

Process of jigging

  1. Gather as much of your friends and family info as you can. The more info the more profiles that can be made so the higher chances of copping multiple. You can use this template to stay organized

  2. Jig the info

  3. Make profiles in your bot

Address Jigging

To jig your address you must make it appear different even though it is the same. If done correctly it will not affect delivery.

*We will not be held accountable for any lost items due to jigging. Use it at your own risk!

The original address is 1234 GrailSell road

1st Example (Add something to address line 2)

Address Line 1 - 1234 GrailSell road

Address Line 2 - Apt 1

*Do not add 2nd address line if you already have a 2nd address line

2nd Example (Add random letters to address line 1)

ac 1234 GrailSell road

3rd Example (Misspelling or abbreviations)

1234 GrailSell rd

Last updated