Q: I'm really confused, where can I find everything? A: You can find a map of our discord here and you can ask us any questions in #1-on-1-support or #questions-n-answers channel!

Q: Do we provide you with a bot? A: No, but we have support staff who can help you with all aspects of botting. Use either #bot-talks or your personal 1 on 1 ticket for help #1-on-1-support. You can also check out the bot category and #bot-knowledge channel to get more information on bots.

Q: Where can I buy a bot? A: You can buy a bot through a middle man in BotMart or Tidal Marketplace or BotBroker website. We recommend you to get into the botting topic after first gaining knowledge here in GrailSell. Then you can rent a bot at first to test it out from #bot-rentals to finally buy yourself a bot.

Q: What are Early Links? A: Early Links are website links that are designed to take you to the exact product at the time of release. They are very useful for both manual and botting users. They are found just under Early Links category or Releases category.

What's a brick? Brick means either: - A cheap item that you can sell for some profit (common) - A quite expensive item that has little to no resell (rare)

Q: How do you know when there are new or profitable releases? A: As soon as we have info about a new drop, we will be posting info about it on a dedicated channel along with resell estimations as well. Websites dropping will also be added there and in #sitelists.

Q: What is ACO? A: ACO stands for auto-checkout and is used to help increase member's success on a given release. You fill out a form with your info, that way our ACO/Sloths providers can run your info on their bots to help increase your chances of copping on release day. Here is our guide on GrailSell ACO

Last updated