
What are bots?

A bot is an installable software that automates the checkout process. It goes from searching for product -> adding to cart -> to captcha (depending on site and gmails which I will get into) -> and to checking out, all within seconds. Bots allow users to cop limited items easily and expeditiously keeping you ahead of the game.

How do they work?

Each bot checks out differently but most repetitively hit a site and attempts to pass bot protection (if present) to complete the checkout process. Most sites will have captcha set up (I will explain in more detail in the captchas page) so quality gmails are important.

What types of bots are there?

There are bots for each type of site, mesh, supreme, footsites, shopify, adidas, yeezysupply, etc. Some bots support all types of sites and are called AIO (all-in-one) bots.

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