
What is a catchall?

A catchall is an email address that collects all mail sent to your domain. This works for anything so it can even be random digits. The emails don't even have to exist. This is very helpful for raffles or if you are trying to cop tons of sneakers and avoid sites detecting multiple pairs going to one email.

Example - If your domain is "" anything will go to your original email.

How to set up a catchall

Purchase a domain:

  1. Make an account at Namecheap

  2. Search for a domain of your likings, make sure it is a reasonable price and has a common suffix (.com, .co, .uk) if it is not common it may be filtered out of raffles.

  3. Add it to the cart and checkout!

Setting it up:

  1. Head to the "Domains List" page

  2. Click the "Manage" button, on the right side of your domain.

  3. Scroll down till you reach the "Redirect Email" section.

  4. Click "Add Catch-All", and simply add the email you want to receive everything to.

Once done please wait 30 minutes to an hour for it to be up and running. Then you can test it out by sending an email to (of course replace anything with whatever and with your domain)

Last updated