
What are footsites?

Footsites are the shoe stores you would find in a mall but online. Footlocker, Footaction, Champs, and Eastbay are all footsites. They all use the same methods of releasing sneakers.

How do they drop?

Footsites drop by using a queue. This makes it pretty hard to cop while manual. If you get past the queue and it says oos it is not actually oos until the sizes are blurred out so check before you give up. If you are going manually, we recommend you open up multiple chrome profiles and/or using #grailsell-aco

How to cop manually

Copping manual can be hard because of the queue but it is not impossible so don't give up. #grailsell-aco can be very helpful if you get past the queue.

  • Open multiple chrome profiles

  • Wait through queue

  • Add to cart

  • Attempt checkout

How to cop with a bot

  • Residential proxies are recommended for Footsites because they allow you to run more tasks and are less likely to be banned.

  • Set your delays high to avoid getting banned.

  • Don't give up and be consistent. Footsite releases can take a while and it may be an hour or two to check out.

  • Run for restocks.

    • Create a few localhost (no proxy) tasks and run with 10000 ms monitor delays.

  • There is a new payment processor named Adyen that can detect if you have checked out on other footsites and cancel orders from your profile so we recommend using jigging your info to avoid detection.

Last updated