Steps to Success

1. Getting your first item

  • To begin we recommend having a $200+ to ensure you can afford the items to flip

  • Copping for the first time may be intimidating but we have many resources made to help you succeed. You can go manual using our tools (I will get into those later) or you can have us use our bots for you in #grailsell-aco more info on aco can be found here

2. Sell and repeat step 1

  • Once you have successfully obtained and sold your first item it is time to do it again until you have enough to grow

  • Continue going manual or using aco until you have enough to start renting bots or actually buying one. We recommend having $500 before renting a bot to ensure you will make the most out of your limited time with the bot.

  • @mods or make in ticket in #1-on-1-support with any of your questions. We are happy to help you with anything, from bot set up to general questions.

3. Buy your first bot

  • Now that you have worked your way up it is time to purchase your first bot. We recommend having $1000+ due to the high price of bots and other necessities such as proxies. Please make a ticket in #1-on-1-support before purchasing so we can help you decide on what's best.

4. Refine your set up and begin cooking

  • Keep trying new things with your bot to see what works best for you. Once you have perfected your set up it is time to destroy drops!

  • With help with your set up we encourage making a ticket in #1-on-1-support

Last updated